2 Bed, 1 Bath
730 square feet
Features & Amenities
- Credit Card Payment
- Parking Lot
- Central Heating
- Wall Unit Air Conditioning
- Trash Included
- Washer/Dryer in Unit
- Pets
- Small Dogs
- Cats
- Patio/Porch
- Microwave
- Dishwasher
- Full Size Refrigerator
- Garbage Disposal
- Shades/Blinds
On Campus
$790 for this two-bedroom apartment with air-conditioning in the living room area, forced heat, large windows, private off-street parking for residents & guest. Kitchen is equipped with the stove/oven, microwave, garbage disposer, dishwasher, refrigerator, washer & dryer, and a backdoor to access the patio. About a 12-14 minute walk to campus or catch the City Bus right around the corner and make it to your destination in 5-10 minutes. Call the leasing office at 765-743-1881 to see one of these apartments today! *No dogs over 25lbs.