1 Bed, 1 Bath
522 square feet
Features & Amenities
- Credit Card Payment
- Parking Lot
- Central Heating
- Wall Unit Air Conditioning
- Water Included
- Trash Included
- On-Site Laundry
- Pets
- Small Dogs
- Cats
- Microwave
- Full Size Refrigerator
- Shades/Blinds
- Furnished Included
- Dresser Included
- Bed Included
On Campus
Our 1-bedroom Chauncey Hill location is convenient to the Veterinarian School of Medicine, Food Science, Horticulture & Agriculture, and Krannert. Offering spacious living, built in desk, spacious bedroom and lots of closet space, and a fully equipped kitchen. Private off-street parking for you and your guests. Less than two blocks from Chauncey Hill restaurants & night life making it an ideal location for a great competitive price. Just a 5-7 minute walk to the Purdue Memorial Union or catch the City Bus right around the corner! Call the leasing office at 765-743-1881 to see this apartment today.